Planning & Accustomed Out Investigations
Science and Engineering Practices
Toolkit Overview Video for this Practice
Framework Rationale
Scientists and engineers investigate and beam the apple with about two goals: (1) to systematically call the apple and (2) to advance and assay theories and explanations of how the apple works. In the first, accurate ascertainment and description generally advance to identification of actualization that charge to be explained or questions that charge to be explored.
The additional ambition requires investigations to assay allegorical models of the apple and their predictions and whether the inferences adapted by these mod- els are accurate by data. Planning and designing such investigations crave the adeptness to architecture alpha or empiric inquiries that are adapted to answering the catechism actuality asked or testing a antecedent that has been formed. This action begins by anecdotic the accordant variables and because how they adeptness be observed, measured, and controlled (constrained by the alpha architecture to booty accurate values).
From A Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2012, p. 59 for the absolute text.
1. From the accomplishments information, what new acquaintance do you accept about allurement questions?
2. In a 3-Dimensional classroom, who do you anticipate needs to be allurement questions?3. What questions did the accomplishments accession for you?
4. Upack this Convenance by anecdotic the verbs and nouns in the description. Is your account agnate to this?
Planning & Accustomed Out Investigations podcast
[email protected]
1. What are your accustomed behavior about this practice?
2. In what means do you anticipate you are appliance this practice?
3. What challenges do you see to appliance this practice?
Conceptual Change Activities:
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #1: Marshmallow Ballista Challenge
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #2: Pringles Challenge
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #3: Data Accumulating Adjustment Report
Developing Conceptual Compassionate of Planning and Backpack Out Investigations Activities Background
The purpose of the afterward activities is to appoint agents in the Convenance of Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations. The accent is NOT on the action itself, but rather the conceptual change accompanying to the practice. Consumers of the Toolkit are reminded to not get captivated up in the activity, but rather consistently reflect on the conceptual attributes of the Convenance to accretion added understanding. Two activities accept been provided to appoint in anniversary Practice.
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #1: Marshmallow Catapult
Student goal: Design and anatomy a Popsicle stick ballista to barrage mini marshmallows beyond the allowance into a cardboard cup with accuracy.
Teacher goal: Accord acceptance goal, materials, parameters, and opportunities to plan and backpack out discussions afterwards assistance.
Once acceptance accept the ambit of the phenomenon, accept them abode a PLAN, which includes, but is not bound to the following:
IntroductionNecessary materialsStep by footfall plan for ballista designDescription of the abstracts collectionTimeline of the investigation
Example of abstracts accumulating action (tables, graphs, etc)
How the after-effects will be reported
Students again backpack out the investigation
Possible Materials:
Plastic spoons
Popsicle sticks
Rubber bands
Masking tape
Paper cups
Optional abstracts for differentiation:
Possible assets for teachers:
*Show the “Punkin Chunkin’” video to accord acceptance an abstraction of what catapults looks like and to altercate failures, challenges, and perseverance.
Differentiating for Primary: no limitations on food (teacher discretion) → possibles focus: measurement; cause/effect
Differentiating for Intermediate: absolute bulk of elastic bands, tape, and Popsicle sticks → accessible focus: measurement; forces; percents; simple machines
Differentiating for Middle: food accept prices; acceptance accept limitations on how abundant they can “spend” on abstracts → accessible focus: measurement; velocity; force; angles; abeyant and active energy
Differentiating for High: food accept prices; acceptance accept limitations on how abundant they can “spend” on materials; aesthetics; set ambit → accessible focus: force; energy; physics; angles of trajectory
Debrief the action by absorption on the conceptual compassionate of the convenance appliance the afterward prompts:
1. In what means did this action change your behavior about planning and accustomed out investigations?
2. How could you abetment acceptance in adorning this practice?
3. What are the key apparatus in planning and accustomed out investigations that acceptance need?
1. How do you currently advice acceptance with planning and accustomed out investigations in your classroom?
2. What do you currently advise that lends itself to agreeable acceptance in this practice?
2. Review a contempo assignment you accomplished and appraise the capability of agreeable acceptance in planning and accustomed out investigations.
1. Ask a aide to beam one of your acquaint OR video yourself teaching and reflect on your appliance of this practice.
2. Use the EQuiP Rubric for Acquaint & Units: Science to appraise a contempo science assignment you taught.
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #2: Pringles Challenge
Introduction All-important abstracts Description of the abstracts accumulating Timeline of the investigation
Example of abstracts accumulating action (tables, graphs, etc)
How the after-effects will be reported
Students again backpack out the assay and allotment the results.
Debrief the action by absorption on the conceptual compassionate of the convenance appliance the afterward prompts:
1. In what means did this action change your behavior about planning and accustomed out investigations?
2. How could you abetment acceptance in adorning this practice?
3. Wh
at are the key apparatus in planning and accustomed out investigations that acceptance need?
1. How do you currently advice acceptance with planning and accustomed out investigations in your classroom?
2. What do you currently advise that lends itself to agreeable acceptance in this practice?
2. Review a contempo assignment you accomplished and appraise the capability of agreeable acceptance in planning and accustomed out investigations.
1. Ask a aide to beam one of your acquaint OR video yourself teaching and reflect on your appliance of this practice.
2. Use the EQuiP Rubric for Acquaint & Units: Science to appraise a contempo science assignment you taught.
Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations Action #3: Data Accumulating Adjustment Report
The afterward action has been acclimated with undergraduate students. The purpose of its admittance actuality is to actualization a archetypal of how to appoint learners in the planning and accustomed out investigations practice.
Assignment: Data Accumulating Adjustment Report
Your Abstracts Accumulating Adjustment Abode will abide of the afterward sections:
* Should be one of the methods declared in Chapter 5, Recording Methods in Barometer Behavior by Martin and Bateson
Format of Abode – Please chase the guidelines already explained for the antecedent two reports, with the afterward exceptions:
Pages: Minimum of 1 abounding folio of text; best of 3 pages. Any tables, pictures or added blazon of cartoon are not included in folio limits.
Sources: Please chase guidelines already provided for in-text citations and advertence list.
Brief Overview of Nonparametric Methods
(directly from
Basically, there is at atomic one nonparametric agnate for anniversary parametric accustomed blazon of test. In general, these tests abatement into the afterward categories:
Tests of differences amid groups (independent samples);
Tests of differences amid variables (dependent samples);
Tests of relationships amid variables.
Differences amid absolute groups. Usually, back we accept two samples that we appetite to analyze apropos their beggarly amount for some capricious of interest, we would use the t-test for absolute samples); nonparametric alternatives for this assay are the Wald-Wolfowitz runs test, the Mann-Whitney U test, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test. If we accept assorted groups, we would use assay of about-face (see ANOVA/MANOVA; the nonparametric equivalents to this adjustment are the Kruskal-Wallis assay of ranks and the Boilerplate test.
Differences amid abased groups. If we appetite to analyze two variables abstinent in the aforementioned sample we would commonly use the t-test for abased samples (in Basic Statistics for example, if we capital to analyze students’ algebraic abilities at the alpha of the division with their abilities at the end of the semester). Nonparametric alternatives to this assay are the Sign assay and Wilcoxon’s akin pairs test. If the variables of absorption are angled in attributes (i.e., “pass” vs. “no pass”) again McNemar’s Chi-square assay is appropriate. If there are added than two variables that were abstinent in the aforementioned sample, again we would commonly use again measures ANOVA. Nonparametric alternatives to this adjustment are Friedman’s two-way assay of about-face and Cochran Q assay (if the capricious was abstinent in acceding of categories, e.g., “passed” vs. “failed”). Cochran Q is decidedly advantageous for barometer changes in frequencies (proportions) beyond time.
Relationships amid variables.To accurate a accord amid two variables one usually computes the alternation coefficient. Nonparametric equivalents to the accustomed alternation accessory are Spearman R, Kendall Tau, and accessory Gamma (see Nonparametric correlations). If the two variables of absorption are absolute in attributes (e.g., “passed” vs. “failed” by “male” vs. “female”) adapted nonparametric statistics for testing the accord amid the two variables are the Chi-square test, the Phi coefficient, and the Fisher exact test. In addition, a accompanying assay for relationships amid assorted cases is available: Kendall accessory of concordance. This assay is generally acclimated for cogent inter-rater acceding amid absolute board who are appraisement (ranking) the aforementioned stimuli.
Descriptive statistics.When one’s abstracts are not commonly distributed, and the abstracts at best accommodate rank adjustment information, again accretion the accustomed anecdotic statistics (e.g., mean, accustomed deviation) is sometimes not the best advisory way to abridge the data. For example, in the breadth of psychometrics it is able-bodied accustomed that the rated acuteness of a bang (e.g., perceived accuracy of a light) is generally a logarithmic action of the absolute acuteness of the bang (brightness as abstinent in cold units of Lux). In this example, the simple beggarly appraisement (sum of ratings disconnected by the cardinal of stimuli) is not an able arbitrary of the boilerplate absolute acuteness of the stimuli. (In this example, one would apparently rather compute the geometric mean.) Nonparametrics and Distributions will compute a advanced array of measures of area (mean, median, mode, etc.) and burning (variance, boilerplate deviation, quartile range, etc.) to accommodate the “complete picture” of one’s data.
(almost absolutely as declared in Account of Animal Behaviour, Columnist Instructions)
Figure captions
Ensure that anniversary analogy has a caption; explanation should be at the top of the figure. A explanation should comprise a abrupt appellation (not on the amount itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep argument in the illustrations themselves to a minimum, but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
Number tables consecutively, with Arabic numerals, in accordance with their actualization in the text. Each table should accept a explanation with a description of what the table describes. Place footnotes to tables beneath the table anatomy and announce them with superscript symbols. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the abstracts presented in tables do not alike after-effects declared abroad in the article.
Check that all references in the argument are in the advertence account and carnality versa, that their dates and spellings match, and that complete bibliographical capacity are given, including folio numbers, names of editors, name of administrator and abounding abode of advertisement if the commodity is appear in a book. For affidavit in the advance of publication, use ‘in press’ to alter the date and accord the account name in the references. Cite abstruse manuscripts (including those in alertness or submitted), talks and abstracts of talks in the argument as ‘unpublished data’ afterward a account of all authors’ brand and surnames. Do not accommodate these in the advertence list.
Web references
The abounding URL should be given. Any added information, if accustomed (DOI, columnist names, dates, advertence to a antecedent publication, etc.), should add
itionally be given.
Reference administration software
The Account of Animal Behaviour has accustomed templates accessible in key advertence administration packages:
EndNote ( and Advertence Manager ( Using plug-ins to chat processing packages, authors alone charge to baddest the adapted account arrangement back advancing their commodity and the account of references and citations to these will be formatted according to the account appearance which is declared below.
Reference style
All citations in the argument should accredit to:
Single author: the author’s name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
Two authors: both authors’ names and the year of publication;
Three or added authors: first author’s name followed by “et al.” and the year of publication. Note that ‘et al.’ is not in italics.
Do not use commas to abstracted the author’s name from the date. Use lower-case belletrist to analyze amid two affidavit by the aforementioned authors in the aforementioned year (e.g., Packer 1979a). List assorted citations in archival adjustment (e.g. Zahavi 1972; Halliday 1978; Arnold 1981a, b), appliance a semicolon to abstracted anniversary reference.
Reference List:
References should be abiding aboriginal alphabetically and again added sorted chronologically, if necessary. More than one advertence from the aforementioned author(s) in the aforementioned year charge be articular by the belletrist “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed afterwards the year of publication. To advice readers locate ‘et al.’ citations with the aforementioned aboriginal authors in the advertence list, account references with three (or more) names afterwards those with two, by date, as in the afterward sequence: Marin & Silva 1992; Marin, Silva & Lopez 1986; Marin, Lopez & Silva 1989
Use the afterward arrangement for alignment your references:
a. For periodicals
Robinson, M. H. & Robinson, B. 1970. The stabilimentum of the orb web spider, Argiope argentata: an doubtful aegis adjoin predators. Canadian Entomologist, 102, 641-645.
b. For books
Bailey, N. J. 1981. Statistical Methods in Biology. 2nd edn. London: Unibooks.
c. For multi-author books
Emlen, S. T. 1978. The change of accommodating behaviour in birds. In: Behavioural Ecology (Ed. by J. R. Krebs & N. B. Davies), pp. 245-281. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.
d. For theses
Smith, J. K. 1985. Investigations on a freshwater crab. Ph.D. thesis, University of Durham.
e. Forum accessories should accommodate aggregate and allotment cardinal and Web armpit abode and be cited as:
Johnson, A. R. 1999. Scent appearance in hyaenas: acknowledgment to Jones. Animal Behaviour, 57, F41-F43.
Note that account titles in the advertence account should be accounting in full.
Work accustomed for advertisement but not yet appear should be referred to as “in press”. References apropos abstruse abstracts and “personal communications” should not be cited in the advertence account but may be mentioned in the text.
Ethogram Example
Debrief the action by absorption on the conceptual compassionate of the convenance appliance the afterward prompts:
1. In what means did this action change your behavior about planning and accustomed out investigations?
2. This is an archetype of a college akin investigation. What changes would you accomplish for it to assignment at your advisory level?
3. What are the key apparatus in planning and accustomed out investigations that acceptance need?
1. How do you currently advice acceptance with planning and accustomed out investigations in your classroom?
2. What do you currently advise that lends itself to agreeable acceptance in this practice?
3. Review a contempo assignment you accomplished and appraise the capability of agreeable acceptance in planning and accustomed out investigations.
1. Ask a aide to beam one of your acquaint OR video yourself teaching and reflect on your appliance of this practice.
2. Use the EQuiP Rubric for Acquaint & Units: Science to appraise a contempo science assignment you taught.
Learning Progressions for Planning and Accustomed Out Investigations
Elementary: Students’ adventures should be structured to advice them apprentice to ascertain the actualization to be investigated, such as patterns that advance causal relationships. The plan of the investigation, what trials to accomplish and how to almanac advice about them, again needs to be aesthetic iteratively as acceptance admit from their adventures the limitations of their aboriginal plan. Students should accept opportunities to backpack out accurate and analytical investigations, with appropriately accurate above-mentioned acquaintance that advance their adeptness to beam and admeasurement and to almanac abstracts appliance adapted accoutrement and instruments.
Middle School: Students’ should be asked to advance a antecedent that predicts a accurate and abiding aftereffect to explain their acumen and absolve their choice.
High School: All antecedent should be based on a well-developed archetypal or theory. In addition, acceptance should be able to admit that it is not consistently accessible to ascendancy variables and that added methods can be acclimated in such cases – for example, attractive for correlations.
See p. 7 Appendix F Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS for a added absolute brand bandage progression.
Conceptual Change and NGSS
Asking Questions in Science & Defining Problems in Engineering
Developing and Appliance Models
Planning & Accustomed Out Investigations
Analyzing & Interpreting Data
Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
Engaging in Argument
Obtaining, Evaluating & Communicating
Return to Introduction Page
The Toolkit was developed through the Montana Partnership with Regions for Excellence in STEM Grant. The capacity of this adaptation of the Toolkit accept been adapted from the original.
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