School association associates and activists, activity accommodation makers, and annoyance administration practitioners all comedy basic roles in the acceptance of an able IPM program. Changing a school’s annoyance administration affairs requires perseverance. Since annoyance ascendancy is not generally a ample allotment of the school’s budget, abounding administrators do not accede it a focus and are acceptable to be apprenticed about their school’s activity and any accessible alternatives. With your help, they can learn.
Beyond Pesticides and accompaniment and bounded organizations accommodate you with the assets all-important for developing, adopting, and implementing a academy IPM program. Whether you are a parent, association activist, annoyance manager/pest ascendancy operator, or academy ambassador or employee, the afterward assets will adviser you throughout the process. The afterward is a account of organizations that accommodate a abundance of advice on academy pesticide issues. Scroll bottomward to acquisition bare assets and/or an alignment in your area. Below anniversary alignment you will acquisition their acquaintance advice and a another of assets they provide.
Beyond PesticidesA non-profit associates organization, which serves as a civic arrangement committed to pesticide assurance and the acceptance of another annoyance administration strategies which abate or annihilate a annex on baneful
Pesticides and Playing Fields (New)
Children and Pesticides DON’T Mix
School Pesticide Monitor Bimonthly Bulletin Archives
What is Academy IPM?
Facts and Figures-Pesticides & Schools
Select Studies on Pesticides and Children’s Health
48 Most Commonly Acclimated Pesticides in Schools and their bloom affects
School Organizing for Safer Annoyance Administration * How to get your academy to accept an IPM program
Are Schools Authoritative the Grade? Academy districts civic accept safer annoyance administration policies
Building Blocks for Academy IPM: A Least-toxic Structural Annoyance Administration Manual (hard archetype only)- amuse analyze actuality today!
Schools Save Money with Chip Annoyance Management
Schooling of Accompaniment Pesticide Laws 2002 Update
10 Myths About Pesticides in Schools
School Pesticide Poisoning Incidents from About the Country
Expelling Pesticides From Our Schools: A How to Adviser to Reducing Children’s Pesticide Exposures at School
Information on the Academy Ambiance Protection Act (SEPA), awaiting federal legislation
State and Bounded Behavior A account of 33 accompaniment laws and over 400 academy districts that are accepted to accept behavior or programs apropos chip annoyance management, pesticide bans, and right-to-know; includes summaries and links to copies of accompaniment laws and bounded policies
Model Laws and Policies
Poison Playgrounds: CCA Risks and Alternatives
Beyond Pesticides Daily News Archive on Accouchement and Schools
Center for Bloom Ambiance and Amends (CHEJ) – Childproofing our Communities CampaignThe Childproofing our Communities Campaign is locally based with a grassroots focus geared to assure accouchement from acknowledgment to ecology bloom hazards in schools and added childcare settings that is accommodating by CHEJ.
Stacey GonzalezCHEJPO Box 6806Falls Church VA 22040703-237-2249[email protected]
Green Flag Affairs awards for apprentice run academy ecology accomplishment programs.Poisoned Schools: Invisible Threats, Visible ActionsCreating Safe Acquirements Zones: Invisible Threats and Visible ActionsCreating Safe Acquirements Zones: The ABCs of Advantageous Schools Primer
Healthy Schools Arrangement (HSN)HSN is a civic ecology bloom information, advancement and analysis organization, with added than 20 actuality sheets, guides and letters accessible online.
Claire BarnettHealthy Schools Network773 Madison AvenueAlbany NY 12208518-462-0632[email protected]
Healthy Schools/Healthy Kids ABC’s
Protecting Vulnerable Acceptance in “Sick” Schools
Parent Adviser to Indoor Air Quality
Sanitizers & Disinfectants Guide
School Bloom and Assurance Committees: How to Advance Child and Adult Ecology Bloom Protection
Healthier Cleaning and Maintenance Practices and Products for Schools
Green Squad: an ecology apprenticeship armpit for middle-schoolers that shows how to investigate their own school, and broadcast the after-effects in the academy paper
504 Accommodation Plan (ADA/IEP)
Allergies, Asthma & Actinic Sensitivity
Mold Packet
The Adviser to Playgrounds and Arsenic Wood
IPM Institute of North AmericaThe IPM Institute serves as a allowance abode for advice on academy IPM and IPM acceptance in agronomics and communities.
Thomas A. Green, Ph.D.IPM Institute of North America, Inc.1914 Rowley Ave.Madison WI 53726608 232-1528[email protected]
Integrated Annoyance Administration for Schools – includes abundant links and resources:o IPM Administration & Policyo Starting Your IPM Programo IPM Planning and Communicationo Inspection, Sanitation and Exclusiono Annoyance and Pesticide Risk Managemento Accepted Assets for Academy IPMo Academy Pesticide Use Surveyso IPM Curricula and Workshop Ideaso Academy IPM and Accompanying Assets in Spanisho Academy Annoyance Administration in the Newso Landscape Managemento Pest-Specific Links & Resources
IPM Standards for Schools – this is a abstract of advice including the above
Who Wants to be an IPM Super Sleuth?· Explore this alternate set of IPM acquirements amateur for kids of all ages.
Alaska, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington
If an alignment is not listed in your state, amuse acquaintance Beyond Pesticides.
Alaska Association Activity on Toxics (ACAT)ACAT is committed to attention animal bloom and the ambiance from the baneful furnishings of contaminants, ecology justice, amenable cleanup of attenuated sites, empower association captivation and to stop the production, proliferation, and absolution of baneful chemicals.
Pamela MillerAlaska Association Activity on Toxics135 Christensen Drive, Ste 100Anchorage AK 99501907-222-7714[email protected]
Environment CaliforniaFocuses alone on attention California’s environment, speaking out and demography able activity to advance the affection of our accustomed ambiance and our lives.
Yana KucherEnvironment California3486 Mission StreetSan Francisco CA 94110415-206-9338 ext 304[email protected]
Californians For Pesticide Reform (CPR)CPR is a affiliation of over 170 accessible absorption groups committed to attention animal bloom and the ambiance from the dangers of pesticide use.
CPR49 Powell Street, Suite 530San Francisco, CA 94102(415) 981-3939, ext. 5[email protected]
Resources from Ambiance California and
Learning Curve (California Accessible Absorption Analysis Accumulation Charitable Trust, 2002)-
Follow up on accomplishing of the Advantageous Schools Act of 2000
Healthy Schools Pesticide Activity Kit (Healthy Schools Campaign, 2001) – accepted advice on pesticide use in schools, the Advantageous Schools Act, children’s vulnerability, IPM, and how to adapt a commune to canyon an IPM policy
Healthy Schools advertisement (Californians for Pesticide Reform)
P is for Poison (California Accessible Absorption Analysis Accumulation Charitable Trust, 2000) – Update on Pesticide Use in Schools
Failing Bloom (California Accessible Absorption Analysis Accumulation Charitable Trust, 1998) – Pesticide Use in Schools
Pesticides and Animal Bloom (Physicians for Social Responsibility and Californians for Pesticide Reform, 2000) – Resource for bloom affliction professionals
California Safe SchoolsCalifornia Safe Schools, a affiliation of over 45 organizations was accustomed in 1998 by Robina Suwol, parents, students, environmentalists, physicians and anxious association members, afterwards Robina’s sons and added acceptance were sprayed by a Los Angeles Unified agriculturalist in a chancy absolute suit. In 1999, one year from the date of spraying, Los Angeles Unified Academy Commune (LAUSD), the 2nd better commune in the nation, absolutely adopted one of the country’s best academy annoyance administration programs. This activity was the aboriginal to embrace the “Precautionary Principle” and includes parents right-to-know about chemicals actuality acclimated on academy sites. This grassroots accomplishment after led to the California Advantageous Schools Act 2000 legislation. Today California Safe Schools helps others about the accompaniment with academy actinic use issues and is acute in watch dogging the LAUSD activity implementation.
Robina SuwolCalifornia Safe SchoolsPO Box 2123Toluca Lake CA 91610818-785-5515[email protected]
LAUSD’s academy annoyance administration policy
Forum of accessories on school, accouchement and toxins
Environment and Animal Bloom Inc. (EHHI)EHHI is a nonprofit alignment fabricated up of doctors, accessible bloom professionals and activity experts committed to the purpose of attention accessible bloom from ecology harms through research, apprenticeship and the advance of complete accessible policy.
Nancy AldermanEnvironment and Animal Health, Inc.1191 Ridge RoadNorth Haven, CT 06473203-248-6582[email protected]
12 Steps to Healthier Schools
Parents Urged to Advice Enforce New Law Regulating Pesticide Use at Schools
Pest Ascendancy Practices in Connecticut Accessible Schools – An EHHI Report (1999)
Safer Annoyance Ascendancy Project (SPCP)SPCP is a non-profit alignment committed to the abridgement of pesticide use and the accomplishing of safer alternatives in burghal and rural Illinois.
Julie WagnerSafer Annoyance Ascendancy Project25 E. Washington Street, #1515Chicago IL 60602312-645-5575[email protected]
SPCP’s Academy Video on IPM
Results of Academy IPM &Notification Surveys (2001)
Pesticides in Schools: What are the Bloom Risks?
A Parent’s Adviser to Safer Annoyance Administration in Schools in SPANISH
Cost of IPM in Schools
Summary of the 1999 Legislation Reforming Annoyance Administration Practices in Illinois Schools
The ABC’s of IPM Implementation
Testimonial from IPM Coordinator Sue Kamuda
Guideline for IPM in Academy Annoyance Administration Contracts
Guidelines and Sample Notification
New Academy Annoyance Administration Policy-SPCP’s archetypal academy IPM policy
Kids’ Adviser to Pesticides
Raise acquaintance of Academy IPM with the SPCP poster!
Illinois Advantageous Schools Campaign
Improving Kids’ Environments (IKE)IKE is a non-profit, advancement affiliation that facilitates absolute and cogent improvements to children’s bloom through reductions in ecology threats to children.
Tom NeltnerImproving Kids’ Environment5244 Carrollton Ave.Indianapolis, IN 46220317-442-3973[email protected]
Indiana Academy Board Association Archetypal Academy IPM Policy
Results of IKE’s 2002 Academy Survey
Maine Toxics Activity Coalition
Kathleen McGeeMaine Toxics Activity Coalition643 Brown’s Point RoadBowdoinham ME 04008207-666-3598[email protected]
Maryland Pesticide Arrangement (MPN)MPN is a grassroots affiliation of twenty-eight organizations in the Accompaniment of Maryland anxious about the appulse of pesticides on animal bloom (particularly children) and the environment.
Ruth BerlinMaryland Pesticide Network544 Epping Forest RoadAnnapolis MD 21401410-849-3909[email protected]
Summary of Maryland IPM Law
Survey of Outdoor Pesticide Use in Maryland Schools
GAO Report: Use Furnishings and Alternatives to Pesticides in Schools
Toxics Activity CenterToxics Activity Center helps association and adjacency groups assignment to abode baneful hazards that abuse the bloom and assurance of their communities.
Jamie CervettiToxics Activity Center29 Temple PlaceBoston MA 02111617-747-4362[email protected]
The Children’s and Families’ Protection Act Accomplishing Guide
Overkill: Why Pesticide Spraying for West Nile Virus May Cause Added Harm Than Good (2001)
LocalMotionRaises accessible acquaintance about the links amid ecology toxins and abrogating bloom consequences, including cancer, in an accomplishment to access claimed and automated behavior to advance bigger bloom and affection of life.
Robin HellerLocal Motion343 South Main Street, Suite 206Ann Arbor, MI 48104(734) 623-0773[email protected]
What is IPM?
How Chip Annoyance Administration will Abate the Needs of Pesticides in our Schools (2001)
Did You Know -Facts and abstracts about IPM, pesticides use and Michigan schools
Kids for Saving the Earth (KSE)KSE is to educates, inspires, and empowers accouchement to assure the Earth’s environment, they assignment common to accommodate action-oriented educational abstracts to kids, families, groups, classrooms and schools.
Tessa HillKids for Saving the Earth/MN CHEC5425 Pineview LanePlymouth MN 55442763-559-1234[email protected]
Learn How We Can Accomplish our Schools Healthier
Children’s Ecology Bloom at the Minnesota Department of Health
The Children’s Bloom Ecology Coalition
Mississippi 2020 NetworkMississippi 2020 Arrangement is committed to authoritative Mississippi the aboriginal acceptable accompaniment in the South through adolescence and association revitalization, with a able accent on ecology stewardship, animal relations, and ecological sustainability.
Melanie DickersbachMississippi 2020 NetworkBox 13506Jackson MS 39236601-969-2902[email protected]
New Jersey
New Jersey Ecology Federation (NJEF)NJEF is a non-profit alignment angry to assure accustomed assets and apple-pie up abuse in New Jersey. It is the New Jersey affiliate of Apple-pie Baptize Action.
Jane NogakiNJ Ecology Federation223 Park AveMarlton NJ 08053856-767-1110856-768-6662 fax[email protected]
Lawn Affliction Without Baneful Chemicals
Safe Annoyance Ascendancy for New Jersey Schools
Protecting Our Schools, Our Children: Basic Steps to Indoor Annoyance Ascendancy Without Pesticides
New York
New York Affiliation for Alt
ernatives to Pesticides (NYCAP)NYCAP is a non-profit grassroots alignment that seeks to advance accessible and ecology bloom by announcement safer alternatives to pesticides, and advancement for environmentally-sound accessible policy.
Pam Hadad HurstNY Affiliation for Alternatives to Pesticides353 Hamilton StreetAlbany NY 12210518-426-8246[email protected]
All assets accessible in adamantine archetype only:
Safer Ascendancy of Head Lice
IPM Assets for Schools
Quick Adviser to IPM for Schools
Model IPM plan and Activity for Schools
Reducing Pesticide Use in Schools
Pesticides and Children’s Health
Pesticides in Schools: Reducing the Risks
North Carolina
Agricultural Assets Center, Pesticide Apprenticeship Project (ARC)ARC is a nonprofit accessible absorption alignment which engages in analysis and accessible apprenticeship on issues and behavior accompanying to safe food, ancestors acreage agronomics and canning of accustomed assets with a appropriate absorption in pesticides.
Fawn PattisonAgricultural Assets Center, Pesticide Apprenticeship Project206 New Bern PlaceRaleigh NC 27601Phone: (919) 833-5333[email protected]
Northwest Affiliation for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)NCAP works to assure bodies and the ambiance by advancing advantageous solutions to annoyance problems.
Pollyanna LindNorthwest Affiliation for Alternatives to PesticidesPO Box 1393Eugene, OR 97440-1393541-344-5044[email protected]
Unthinkable Risk: How Accouchement Are Exposed and Harmed When Pesticides Are Acclimated at School. Includes account of 98 absolute academy pesticide acknowledgment or abusage incidents.
Unintended Casualties: Five Stories of Accouchement Whose Lives Were Profoundly Affected by Acknowledgment to Pesticides at School
Restoring Bloom Academy Landscapes
School Pesticide Use Reduction: Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
“Hot” New Tools and Time- Tested Accustomed Methods for Managing Academy Landscapes
Steps Parents and Teachers Can Take to Abate Academy Pesticide Use
School Annoyance Ascendancy Alternatives
Sample Petition to Academy Administrators
Safer Academy Annoyance Ascendancy Pledge
School IPM Video Account and Ordering Information
Oregon Ecology CouncilFounded in 1968, the Oregon Ecology Council (OEC) was the aboriginal statewide ecology accumulation to be based in Oregon. It is a non-partisan alignment with added than 2,000 associates throughout the state, bringing Oregonians calm for a advantageous environment.
Laura WeissOregon Ecology Council520 SW 6th Ave Suite 940Portland OR 97204503-222-1963 ext 111[email protected]
Pesticides and Children’s Health: What Every Ancestor Should Know
Pennsylvania Apple-pie Baptize ActionClean Baptize Activity is a civic citizens’ alignment alive for clean, safe and affordable water, blockage of health-threatening pollution, conception of environmentally-safe jobs and businesses, and empowerment of bodies to accomplish capitalism work.
Bob WendelgassPA CleanWater Action33 East Abington AvenuePhiladelphia PA 19118215-640-8800[email protected]
Facts accompanying to Pennsylvania’s Academy Pesticide Notification Act
Survey After-effects of Schools Complying with the Act
Sample letter to accelerate to academy administrator requesting notification
Texans for Alternatives to Pesticides (TAP) TAP is a grass roots association apprenticeship affairs advised to brainwash the accessible and accessible admiral about the adverse furnishings of pesticides, and about safer alternatives for use in schools, homes, and accessible areas
Charlotte WellsTAP3015 Richmond, Suite 201Houston, Texas 77098(713) 523-2TAP(2827)[email protected]
Vermont Pubic Absorption Analysis Accumulation (VPIRG)VPIRG’s mission is to advance and assure the bloom of Vermont’s environment, people, and locally-based abridgement by allegorical and mobilizing individuals and communities beyond the state.
Leesa StewartVPIRG141 Main StreetMontpelier VT 05602802-223-5221[email protected]
Environmental Bloom in Vermont Schools/1998 Pesticide and Actinic use Survey
2002 Pesticide Use Survey: Reading Writing and Raid
How To Start A Academy Ecology Bloom Committee at your School
A Parent’s Adviser for Improving Academy Ecology Health
Virginia Bloom and Ambiance Project (VaHEP) VaHEP is the alone statewide alignment arrest issues that lie at the circle of bloom and the environment. A primary breadth of affair is pesticide use and its furnishings on animal bloom and the environment.
Julie JonesVirginia Bloom and Ambiance ProjectP.O. Box 1434Charlottesville, VA 22902(434) 242-6344[email protected]
Washington Toxics Activity Center (WTC)WTC protects accessible bloom and the ambiance by eliminating baneful pollution, promotes alternatives, advocates policies, empowers communities, and educates bodies to actualize a advantageous environment.
Angela StoreyWashington Toxics Coalition4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Ste 540ESeattle WA 98103206-632-1545 ext 11[email protected]
Healthy Schools Pesticide Activity Kit is a absolute toolkit for parents and association associates on how to get pesticides out of schools and contains several factsheets which can be alone downloaded:· What is the Children’s Pesticide Right-to-Know Act?· Kids at Risk: Pesticides and Children’s Health· Ten Steps to a Advantageous School· Archetypal Least-Toxic IPM Policy· What are the Alternatives?· Notification: Your Right to Know· Sample Schools Petition· Pesticide Advice Online· Additional Resources· Hazards of Common Pesticides: A Quick Reference Guide
Growing Trends: Successful Strategies for Reducing Pesticides in Accessible Places
Healthy Schools: Getting Chancy Pesticides Out of Our Schools
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