I am beholden for accepting a PRF aboriginal investigator accolade as an abettor professor. It was one of the aboriginal grants that I accustomed aboriginal on in my absolute career. In accession to the monies that accustomed our amateur accumulation to analyze new assay directions, accepting this accolade gave me added aplomb to accompany high-risk high-reward projects.
Dr. Christopher J. Bettinger, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
It is a audible account to admonition bless the 65th ceremony of the ACS-PRF program. I had the abundant account or accepting this accolade a year ago, and, no doubt, my assay affairs benefited awfully from it. The ACS-PRF admission is accouterment banking abutment to Kelly Bye, on the best ablaze acceptance I accept anytime met, and to his assay in the breadth of Amoebic Bread-and-butter Nanofiltration (OSN). Abutment from ACS-PRF accustomed us to broadcast a cardboard in the Account of Blur Science to authenticate that about-face non breadth in OSN is not acquired by blur compaction beneath pressure, as frequently speculated in the literature, but it has a absolutely thermodynamic origin. Moreover, we accept developed a atypical adjustment to abstraction the diminutive accoutrement by which OSN polymer membranes plasticize in the attendance of solvents, which abundantly helps architectonics atypical blur abstracts with added attrition to plasticization. We are additionally aflame to advertise that a atypical actual for OSN and added kinds of separations has been developed in our laboratory, which will accomplish added proposals to be submitted to federal agencies. Therefore, I appetite to accede already afresh the ACS-PRF affairs for allowance us authoritative this happen.
Dr. Michele Galizia, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
My ACS PRF admission was the aboriginal alien admission that I acquired in my absolute bookish career. There is no agnosticism that this admission helped to springboard my career, and those of my researchers. The assay able from this admission led to an NSF CAREER grant, which abundantly caked my administration package. Additionally, the action adjourned by the ACS PRF was the key action of my assay group. Alike admitting this was originally adjourned from 2012-2014, my accumulation continues assay accompanying to this project. Added importantly, the advisers adjourned anon and alongside from this admission were positioned for success in their futures. This is authentic from undergraduate advisers who are currently in alum programs (or postdocs) to postdocs who are currently in academia. Their adeptness to competitively beforehand their career hinged on their assay adventures of the ACS PRF admission and consecutive accompanying projects. Acknowledge you, ACS PRF!
Dr. Mitchell Croatt, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
The PRF DNI admission is the aboriginal alien admission that I accustomed aback I started my absolute career. It offered analytic abutment for the lab to alpha running, a admirable access to accept acknowledgment from the community, and added chiefly the aplomb of actuality absolute assay in allegation of a assay group. On the day that I accustomed the email admonition me of the PRF DNI award, I told my alum amateur joyfully, “look, bodies are absorbed in our idea. They like it abundant to accord us money to assignment on it!”. I am beholden for the abutment of PRF.
Dr. Chong Liu, University of California, Los Angeles
The ACS PRF has been alive at two believability in my career. A PRF DNI accolade was the aboriginal admission I accustomed as an abettor abettor over a decade ago. Attractive back, it laid the foundation of my assay affairs in two means – the anxious acknowledgment of the reviewers bigger our science and the allotment accustomed us to access basic after-effects all-important for a above federal grant. In the accomplished few years I was able to access a PRF ND accolade that has facilitated a absolutely new administration for my group. This would accept been absurd afterwards PRF support. I am beholden for the PRF and for the outsized appulse of this small-sized program.
Dr. Daniel J. Weix, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A PRF “Research Innovation Award” was awarded to me in my added year as an abettor abettor at MIT in 1999. Admission appliance to the NIH had bootless and I paid for my key project, the automatic amalgam of oligosaccharides, with the PRF money. A little over a year later, we appear a cardboard in Science advantaged “Automated Solid-Phase Amalgam of Oligosaccharides” that served as affidavit of assumption and resulted in above funding, administration at MIT and the conception of a new acreage of Diminutive Glycobiology”. Abounding coworkers were accomplished in this affairs and 59 of them are now advisers themselves. Their assignment in my class eventually led to the conception of seven companies assimilation on all aspects of biologic discovery, accompanying to vaccines, affection ache and diagnostics. The “Glyconeer” instruments that were a aftereffect of the methods we developed are now acclimated all about the world. The PRF allotment at a analytic time in my career fabricated all of this accessible – Acknowledge you!
Dr. Peter Seeberger, Managing Director, Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany
As a second-year abettor professor, I was captivated to win a 2014 PRF DNI accolade for my angle “Mesoscale Simulation and Machine Acquirements of Asphaltene Aggregation”. This accolade was alive in acceptance me to abutment a alum researcher, barrage my absolute career, and accredit me to assignment in a new area. The admission led to four aboriginal assay accessories that apparent new compassionate of the diminutive accumulation behaviors of asphaltenes, accustomed an accomplished first-author advertisement almanac for my amateur that enabled him to dedicated a agitating post-doc position aloft graduation, and contributed abundantly to my own development as an absolute investigator. The assignment we performed beneath this accolade continues to appearance my assay today as abounding of the techniques and accoutrement we developed for mesoscale clay of asphaltenes accept accepted to be actual accustomed and awful communicable to clay the self-assembly of added diminutive systems such as pi-conjugated peptides and poly-peptoids. ACS PRF DNI grants are a admired admission accoutrement for new board and I am actual beholden to ACS PRF for demography a adventitious and beforehand in me as a adolescent adroitness member.
Dr. Andrew Ferguson, University of Chicago
I am so beholden to ACS-PRF for appliance me my aboriginal admission as a adolescent Asst. Abettor about 30 years ago! The actuality that PRF accurately targeted adolescent advisers meant the apple to me. Also, the aftermost 30 years accept emphasized to me how about abnormally accustomed ACS/PRF is in emphasizing the aggregate of activated science and auspicious scientists to stick with it. 30 years afterwards I’m semi-famous, a Chief Scientist at America’s bigger Civic Class [Sandia] breadth I occasionally do added oil accretion research. My admission 30 years ago wasn’t on oil, but the acceptable action from the PRF persists afterwards all this time. Because of my ‘exalted position’ I am perpetually pestered for cardboard and angle reviews from all sorts of places – which, um, actuality animal I try to affirmation off on others, delay, etc. But not the ones from ACS-PRF, which I do immediately. It’s a alarm from connected ago that commands respect. Lord knows I’m not the alone researcher who has a appropriate atom in their affection for ACS-PRF. Yours is such a appropriate alignment that has no aeon in my book. Hat’s off to ACS-PRF and Best Wis
hes for accession 65 years!
Dr. Patrick V. Brady, Sandia Civic Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
As a new Abettor Professor, actuality awarded a PRF admission has played a cardinal role in the development of my assay program. I was able to booty my assay in a absolutely new direction, belief the breeze of polymer solutions in absorptive media. A little over a year in, we accept already been able to accomplish abrupt discoveries of how breeze instabilities appear in polymer band-aid flow, and how the spatio-temporal dynamics of these instabilities depend on the geometry of the pore space. This assignment has resulted in affidavit appear in Account of Aqueous Mechanics and Small, and accession cardboard in preparation. Added broadly, this assignment sets the foundation for years of approaching assignment in my lab.
Dr. Sujit S. Datta, Princeton University, NJ
I started as an absolute adroitness affiliate in 2000, and my aboriginal adjourned admission was through the Petroleum Assay Fund, an ACS PRF-G angle I submitted my aboriginal year as an abettor professor. The aggregate of allotment was small—hardly abundant to abutment one alum amateur for one year in today’s dollars. However, that tiny berry of abutment gave me aplomb and credibility, which accumulated with the basic after-effects the admission enabled, positioned me to access significant, added allotment from a array of sources in the amid years. Fast avant-garde about two decades, and that baby berry has accomplished into a ample tree: I accept mentored abutting to one hundred alum and undergraduate students, and I accept acquired assay allotment amounts that are already assorted orders of consequence above than that antecedent ACS PRF-G grant. I’m beholden for the accession my career accustomed from that aboriginal admission adjourned from the Petroleum Assay Fund, and I achievement that the abutting 65 years will abide to accommodate abounding success belief like mine.
Dr. Adam T. Woolley, Brigham Adolescent University, Provo, UT
The PRF DNI accolade was the aboriginal alien admission I accustomed as an Abettor Professor. It accept me the abandon to accompany a new administration in my lab that I would not accept contrarily pursued. Over the years I accept had two PhD acceptance assignment on the science that has stemmed from the award. The aboriginal amateur is now a assay scientist at Pacific Northwest Civic Class and the added is a fourth year alum amateur that affairs to avert in 2021. Our PRF assay has catalyzed a cardinal of new assay accoutrement in my lab accompanying to CO2 about-face and accompanying hydrogenation chemistries, which our now federally funded. I can’t delay to see what the approaching holds for this science and am beholden for the PRF’s aboriginal abutment of my lab.
Dr. Brandi Cossairt, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
I absolutely would like to acknowledge PRF for the admission advantaged `Chemical Compassionate of Circuitous Semiconductor Alloys,” which ran from 09/01/99 to 08/31/01 (when I was starting as an Abettor Professor). It allows our accumulation to abide alive on semiconductors (in accession to ferroelectrics) and to adumbrate new structures with absorbing backdrop that were afresh experimentally verified. It additionally acceptable had a absolute appulse for my administration beforehand in 2003.
Dr. Laurent Bellaiche, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
ACS PRF DNI admission accustomed me to accompany a dream to accomplish solid accompaniment amalgam as anticipated and controllable as amoebic amalgam is. This requires controlled accumulation of actinic bonds in the complex solid accompaniment compounds. We accept called arduous B-P covalent bonds as the aboriginal target. To abstain accumulation of thermodynamic sink, bifold BP phase, we accept developed a atypical chimie douce constructed adjustment and anatomy aboriginal admixture with 1D polymeric B-P polyanions. This assignment aggressive us to alpha a ample ability on the anticipated amalgam of solids.
Dr. Kirill Kovnir, Iowa Accompaniment University, Ames, IA, and US DOE Ames Laboratory
The PRF was my aboriginal admirable and helped barrage my career at Rice University by giving me the aplomb and funds to aggrandize my assay activities. Now at the University of Cambridge, I abide actuality affianced with ACS-PRF and acquiescently acclaim that my inferior colleagues in the USA apply.
Dr. Emilie Ringe, University of Cambridge, UK
The ACS PRF was a absolutely enabling award. The PRF accolade enabled the accumulation to beforehand a new blazon of activating chemistry, and administer it to circuitous polymer systems. The accolade helped authorize the accumulation in the acreage of materials, abnormally activating materials, which was a new breadth for the PI and the group. Leveraging the PRF award, over 10 affidavit alignment from mechanisms of activating barter to polymer abstracts with acknowledging and adjustable characteristics. By assimilation on axiological research, the accumulation was able to beforehand new and enabling chemistries that were activated to circuitous polymers. This accolade helped authorize the lab as a above amateur in accoutrement apprenticed abstracts design, and activating materials. Additionally, the accolade authentic alum and undergraduate acceptance to accretion acquaintance and abilities in allure and abstracts science. This training has enabled undergraduate acceptance to accompany avant-garde alum programs, and alum acceptance to be awarded postdoctoral fellowships. Overall, the PRF is a altered grant, in that it is the absolute accoutrement to accredit a new investigator to analyze a affair in axiological science. The after-effects of the accolade can afresh be leveraged to beforehand their career with added allotment agencies and angry into aerial appulse papers.
Dr. Dominik Konkolewicz, Miami University, Oxford, OH
The ACS PRF DNI admission was one of the actual aboriginal allotment for Dr. Subith Vasu’s (PI) accumulation at University of Central Florida, which is one of the bigger and minority-serving institutions in the U.S. It has had actual cogent appulse on the PI and both alum and undergraduate students. The PI was able to recruit and alternation acceptance for research, as able-bodied as broadcast several account and appointment accessories based on this funding. These publications provided able acceptance for the PI while establishing his career. The admission partially authentic 3 alum acceptance and alien two undergraduate acceptance to assay (some of them connected for alum studies with the PI). Also, the broader appulse of the admission was that it helped several underrepresented acceptance to accompany apprenticeship and research. A changeable PhD alum acquired adroitness job while one of the underrepresented M.S. acceptance abutting as an architect at the Air Force Assay Laboratory. Infact, one of the undergraduate acceptance appear a cardboard in the celebrated Combustion and Flame journal.
Dr. Subith Vasu, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
PRF has been a amazing admonition for me as a first-year abettor professor! It allows me to appoint my aboriginal postdoc, access key basic after-effects for my NSF application. Added importantly, it helped me body aplomb as an abettor professor!
Dr. Shiyu Zhang, Ohio Accompaniment University, Columbus, OH
My ACS PRF admission authentic assay on accumulation detached accident simulation with access in the ambience of pipeless accumulation plants. The “pipeless” abstraction has not beforehand as broadly as I would accept hoped in manufacturing, but, with contempo advances in robotics, the abstraction is address new bake-apple in the ambience of microchemical and class alpha systems. It did acquiesce me to accompany an aboriginal accord with advisers both in England and in Japan and contributed to a constant accord with Abettor Shinji Hasebe at Kyoto University. However, the abstraction of accumulation simulation and access appliance the simula
tion to accomplish constraints in a college akin access botheration is one that has astern with me over the accomplished 27 years of my career and which I accept alive above abounding altered botheration domains in actinic engineering architectonics and operation. I am beholden for the befalling provided by the ACS PRF to analyze this breadth of assay and to coin action connected collaborations and friendships with all-embracing colleagues.
Dr. Matthew J. Realff, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Close to the end of my alum degree, I absitively to seek a postdoctoral position in a new field. This was harder than I anticipation because abounding advisers adopted bodies experience. The PRF was alms the Alternative Action Acquaintance which I activated for and received. This accolade helped me accretion admired acquaintance and augment my horizons far above what had been accessible at the time. As a new abettor professor, i analogously accustomed to booty a new administration that afresh presented abounding obstacles. My proposals were consistently actuality alone so I accustomed for the PRF DNI accolade that would admonition armamentarium a amateur and authenticate proof-of-concept. I got the accolade and started publishing aerial appulse affidavit consistent in a connected allotment beck for over 13 years. Abutment from the PRF did not alone appear at a time aback I best bare it but it additionally catalyzed new and transformative research. I am assuredly accountable to the PRF for their abutment and adopting new research, which has benefitted my acceptance abundantly over the years.
Dr. John Grey, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Over the years, I accept accustomed a numbers of about baby and ample grants from bounded and federal allotment agencies. Although all of them accept been important in enabling my research, acquirements and apprenticeship aspirations, none accept been as acute as the ACS-PRF accolade (55795-DNI9) to my career development. The adaptability of the funds had a cogent appulse on my adeptness to use the assets strategically. I acclimated my ACS-PRF admission as a berry armamentarium to accompany two commutual and accompanying curve of inquiry: 1) a microfluidics class and concrete assay platform, and 2) a algebraic clay and afterwards simulation analogue that leveraged the observations in the lab to beforehand and actuate algebraic models accompanying to breeze dynamics in absorbent media. This assignment resulted in bristles peer-reviewed account papers. I am beholden to the American Actinic Association and its Petroleum Assay Armamentarium for their abutment – it fabricated a apple of difference.
Dr. Saman Aryana, University of Wyoming, Cheyenne, WY
ACS-PRF DNI has accustomed me a belvedere for accomplishing my assay eyes by accouterment acute banking abutment at the alpha of my authentic career. Aback I started as an absolute faculty, one of my chief aeon in the acreage told me “ACS-PRF DNI was my aboriginal absolute grant, so is the case for abounding adolescent faculty”. This account angry out to be authentic not alone in my case, but for several adroitness associates starting up their careers in actinic science. In my DNI grant, I proposed to abstraction the accumulation of surfactant molecules in absorptive abstracts and its abeyant appulse on oil recovery. The adjourned angle enabled me to get started, accomplish antecedent studies, and best importantly, alarmingly anticipate and acknowledge accessible authentic challenges in the acreage of adsorption and carriage through absorptive media. Afterward this DNI, I was advantageous to accept NSF-CAREER accolade which looks above the adsorption into means of able carriage of colloids through absorptive media. The DNI accolade has been a above colonnade in initiating my assay career. I achievement that ACS continues to beforehand in our authentic association and admonition adolescent advisers like myself body their careers and accept a abiding appulse on society.
Dr. Bhuvnesh Bharti, Louisiana Accompaniment University, Baton Rouge, LA
My aboriginal absolute admission was from PRF. It fabricated all the aberration in ambience my aisle for bookish success. My aboriginal PhD student’s fieldwork was absolutely authentic on this grant. I additionally had an undergraduate amateur accompany my alum amateur for connected fieldwork. In total, 6 affidavit were appear from the samples calm from that fieldwork and two added affidavit were appear with collaborators who afterwards conducted new analyses on our annal apricot and baptize samples.
Dr. Andrea G. Grottoli, Ohio Accompaniment University, Columbus, OH
My aboriginal alien admission as a new adroitness was the PRF aboriginal career accolade (predecessor to DNI). This itself fabricated it special. It accustomed me to partially armamentarium a postdoc, which jump-started my bookish career. I proposed two assay accoutrement in the grant, and I concluded up advancing one of them for about a decade afterwards the grant.
Dr. Sachin Shanbhag, Florida Accompaniment University, Tallahassee, FL
The PRF DNI admission acknowledging assay on the aftereffect of a aqueous appearance in a diminutive arrangement on force administration during anamorphosis had and still has a amazing appulse on my research, amateur abutment and advising, and about-face of my laboratory. Trough this admission we were able to beforehand a new alternation of abstracts breadth we use techniques that are not frequently acclimated in the acreage of geology. The admission authentic a alum amateur who has dedicated his master’s apriorism aftermost ages and it will abide acknowledging an admission alum amateur as able-bodied as two undergraduates at Iowa Accompaniment University. Acknowledge you PRF for authoritative this all possible!
Dr. Jacqueline Reber, Iowa Accompaniment University, Ames, IA
The ACS Petroleum Assay Armamentarium Admission was an capital dispatch bean for my assay accumulation in allowance us arch the gap amid startup funds and above alien funding. With the admonition of allotment for amateur salaries from the PRF grant, we were able to broadcast our aboriginal two affidavit on a action in bimetallic catalysis in Amoebic Letters and the Account of the American Actinic Association (JACS). These analytic publications afterwards led to a accustomed allotment appliance to the NSF assay of chemistry. In addition, the PRF admission provided acceptance with abutment at a analytic time in their PhD studies that accustomed them to focus on their assay afterwards distractions. This accustomed one amateur (Whitney K. Walker) to appoint with her action at a college level, get circuitous with a accord in computational chemistry, and broadcast a college appulse cardboard in JACS. These successes led her to actuality called to appear the DOC Alum Assay Appointment at the end of her 4th year at BYU. I am assured that berry funds for new faculty, as we accustomed from our PRF DNI grant, accomplish a cogent appulse in the aboriginal careers of advisers in allure above the country.
Dr. David J. Michaelis, Brigham Adolescent University, Provo, UT
The ACS PRF admission provided me assets to investigate computational methods to quantify the connectivity of actual constituents, as captured in high-resolution microscopy images. Connectivity of basic governs the carriage of mass, momentum, and action through materials. Authentic by the PRF Grant, we accept developed three statistical formulations that can anxiously and consistently quantify the connectivity of aqueous phases in absorptive materials. Authentic by this grant, we generated basic allegation that led to the Administration of Action Aboriginal Career Accolade in 2018 to accompany data-driven approaches to chara
cterize fracturing action in materials. The PRF Admission has been acknowledging two students, and provides an befalling for them to become accomplished in statistical assay of images. The ACS accolade has helped me accession allotment from two oil and gas companies for breeding data-driven insights from CT Scan images. The assay allegation arising from this admission has contributed appear my alternative for the SPWLA Adolescent Able Technical Accolade and the SEG J. Clarence Karcher Accolade in 2020. ACS accolade was my aboriginal successful angle that helped me transform from a adolescent investigator to an absolute researcher in the breadth of petroleum engineering and geosciences.
Dr. Siddharth Misra, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
The American Actinic Society’s Petroleum Assay Armamentarium (PRF) was one of the aboriginal to sponsor the afresh accustomed Page Accumulation at the University of Texas at Austin. The Doctoral New Investigator grants affairs will abutment assay in the development of atypical petroleum acquired aqueous mixtures that will rapidly amalgamate aloft acquaintance with light. Although administration of the accolade has not yet amorphous (starting abatement 2020), it has already imparted a abstruse appulse on the mentality and abeyant for approaching success of the accumulation by accouterment a adroitness of acceptance in the authentic association and a akin of aplomb that has motivated action and teamwork. Specifically, the accumulation looks avant-garde to actualization 1) new methods to accredit spatiotemporal ascendancy over the accumulation of artist plastics from commodity chemicals, 2) axiological adeptness surrounding structure-property relationships of photocurable resins, and 3) added accessibility of categorical abstracts for accomplishing into transformative light-based applications, such as coatings, adhesives, and 3D printing.
Dr. Zachariah A. Page, University of Texas at Austin
An undergraduate absolutely authentic by this admission appear a aboriginal columnist cardboard belief the aftereffect of proton absorbent membranes on carbon-supported carbon dioxide abridgement catalysts and is now in alum academy in a chemistry-related field. Two alum acceptance and a post-doctoral bookish additionally are alive on this project. The admission has been alive in affective my absolute career as a adolescent scientist in two important ways. First, it has provided me with the bread-and-butter abandon to appoint a post-doctoral bookish aboriginal in my career, appropriately accretion my authentic productivity. Second, the projects authentic accept resulted in important basic and appear allegation that accept accustomed me to administer for above grants from federal institutions.
Dr. Christopher J. Barile, University of Nevada, Reno
I am acutely beholden for the abutment from the Petroleum Assay Fund. The berry admission provided the abundant bare antecedent armamentarium for me to alpha my assay career at SUNY Buffalo. The after-effects from this action additionally helped me dedicated an NSF-CBET accolade and an NSF-CAREER award. Attractive backward, I can say that my assay career would be actual altered now had I not accustomed the abutment from PRF. I am additionally actual blessed to address that the actual we predicted 10 years ago beneath the abutment of the PRF grant, a monolayer boron hydride B2H2 [1,2], has aloof afresh been auspiciously synthesized. It is rather agitative that our assignment has assuredly fabricated some appulse afterwards about 10 years! (Figure) Predicted anatomy of monolayer boron hydride B2H2.
[1] T. A. Abtew, B.-C. Shih, P. Dev, V. H. Crespi, and P. Zhang, Prediction of a Multi-center Bonded Solid Boron Hydride for Hydrogen Storage, Phys. Rev. B 83, 094108 (2011).[2] T. A. Abtew and P. Zhang, Charging assisted Hydrogen Release Accoutrement in Layered Boron Hydride, Phys. Rev. B 84, 094303 (2011).
Dr. Peihong Zhang, University at Buffalo, Accompaniment University of New York
This PRF admission is a analytic abutment for my aboriginal career as a tenure-track abettor professor, and assists me to be answer to Accessory Abettor with administration in 2020. It has helped me authorize my assay lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, assignment in a cutting-edge assay area, and body the accord with laser experts. Through this project, my aggregation has accustomed that a atypical laser shock peening action could beforehand the attrition of austenitic alloys to accent bane arise in chloride environments in the petrochemical industry, and acknowledge the axiological mechanisms of this effect. This action has accomplished a alum amateur and a postdoctoral adolescent in my group, who accept appear four affidavit with me from this project. I accept become the Chair of the Bane and Ecology Effects Committee in the Minerals, Metals, and Abstracts Society, and an organizer of the “Environmentally Assisted Cracking” appointment in TMS anniversary affairs aback 2017.
Dr. Bai Cui, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
In 1998, I was awarded a PRF grant. I had aloof started an assistant-professor position in the administration of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana Accompaniment University the antecedent year. The PRF admission was one of the aboriginal assay grants that I had applied. The money was not much; it about accustomed me to appoint a student. However, the acceptation was not the aggregate of money, but the affirmation of my assay ideas. I proposed to abstraction the alternation of a abandoning solid thin-film edge. That was my idea, and bodies admired it and awarded allotment for me to transform my abstraction into reality. For a alpha researcher, the admission provided immense accession of self-confidence. Later, the proposed action was completed successfully, and the after-effects appear [1]. The basic assay provided abstracts for a added busy NSF CAREER proposal, which was awarded in 2000, and the blow is history.
[1] Kan, W. and H. Wong “Fingering alternation of a abandoning solid blur edge,” J. Activated Phys. 97, 043515 (2005).
Dr. Harris Wong, Louisiana Accompaniment University, Baton Rouge, LA
The $25,000 accolade I accustomed from PRF a year into my absolute career did aggregate it was declared to do: it helped to get analytic aboriginal after-effects that laid the foundation for new projects and above admission applications bottomward the road. It additionally gave me early, analytic acknowledgment on my ideas. The specific action of that PRF accolade is no best alive in my lab, but I can still trace the bookish aisle of abundant of what we do aback to that aboriginal PRF-funded activity. I abide a committed adherent of the PRF and its mission, and I am blessed to accomplish the time to assay for it aback asked.
Dr. Stephen Craig, Duke University, Durham, NC
I accept started my absolute career in 2001 and my assay breadth is carbohydrate chemistry. With accord of added than 135 co-workers to date, my class Glycoworld has developed a few avant-garde accoutrement for the amalgam and appliance of carbohydrates. Amid these, the development of the thioimidate adjustment for actinic glycosylation authentic by the PRF in 2004 laid the background for developing able methods for synthesizing and testing carbohydrates. This was my aboriginal alien admission that was absolutely capital for architectonics my confidence, expertise, and administration as the PI as able-bodied as accepting action all-important to administer a accustomed assay team. Acknowledgment to PRF, who were the aboriginal to accept in the abeyant of our methodology, I accomplished a actual productive, and awful motivated assay aggregation that auspiciously completed the proposed projects as able-bodied as faced and auspiciously apparent new challenges. With the PRF support, by lab associates appear bristles affection assay accessories and accept accustomed added than 50 lectures and posters in the US and abroad. This animated our adeptness to auspiciously attempt for alien funding.
Dr. Alexei Demchenko, University of Missouri-St. Louis
The ACS PRF DNI was my aboriginal admission as a anew minted Abettor Abettor and played a analytic role in my career anytime since. I still bethink accepting the email notification while my aide was in my office; she jumped college than I did! I can trace about all of my consecutive assay projects aback to my ACS PRF. My admission focused on vanadium oxides for acrid intercalation and led my to aggrandize my assay abilities and abound my assay group. It afflicted me to analyze new accommodation and techniques and beforehand new collaborations. I was acutely advantageous that my admission enabled me to coact with Nobel Laureate Prof. M Stanley Whittingham on lithium ion batteries. The ACS PRF admission is commodity I acclaim to all new faculty. The “no aberrant costs” claim is acutely admired for new adroitness abyssal assay expenditures for the aboriginal time. The PRF admission went a connected connected way… it authentic my aboriginal three PhD acceptance in assorted forms including salary, biking to new accessories and new equipment. The PiperLab accumulation are acutely beholden for the ACS PRF and congratulate all accomplished and approaching recipients!
Dr. Louis Piper, Binghamton University, Accompaniment University of New York
Receiving an ACS PRF New Investigator accolade has fabricated a cogent appulse on my career as a tenure-track abettor professor. Not alone it provided me with an befalling to accompany some new ideas, which eventually developed into new assay administration in my group, but additionally helped to clarify and beforehand these account through the accessory assay process. ACS PRF is altered in acknowledging aboriginal date projects afterwards cogent basic results, and I achievement that this accoutrement will abide to be accessible for the new ancestors of arising investigators.
Dr. Pavel Nagorny, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
My aboriginal anytime assay admission was an ACS-PRF accolade on the affair of supramolecular bifold blends. The admission authentic two of my aboriginal doctoral students, Michelle Wrue and Jaihui Li, who were there from the alpha and helped set up my lab. I anamnesis the action of administering our aboriginal polymerizations and authoritative blends to assay some of our predictive models. Michelle actinic atypical telechelic polymers and advised how end-groups afflicted polymer miscibility, and Jaihui laid the background for our approaching assay as we entered the acreage of shape-memory polymers. In accession to funding, the ACS-PRF affairs provided me a aerial affection appointment for accessory assay and able networking.
Dr. Mitchell Anthamatten, University of Rochester, NY
I accustomed an ACS PRF DNI admission which began in the summer of 2017, and this was the aboriginal evidently adjourned admission that my accumulation received. This PRF admission was alive in acceptance my assay accumulation to authorize our efforts in compassionate the cyberbanking backdrop of pi-conjugated polymer based thermoelectric materials. As a aftereffect of this grant, we were able to outline axiological guidelines for convalescent the thermoelectric achievement of pi-conjugated polymer blends, investigate the role of action clarification in free the thermoelectric backdrop of polymer-nanowire blends, and ascertain how dopant admeasurement affects the thermoelectric backdrop in benumbed polymers. Allotment of this assay resulted in bristles publications to date, with one added in review, nine appointment presentations, and provided the foundation for an NSF admission that was adjourned in the summer of 2019. We will abide to body aloft these assay efforts for many years to appear acknowledgment to the basal assay that we were able to backpack out as a aftereffect of this ACS PRF DNI grant.
Dr. Kenneth R. Graham, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
I accustomed a Doctoral New Investigator accolade in my added year as an Abettor Abettor at the University of Maryland Center for Ecology Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, afterwards resubmitting an initially bootless proposal. With added aid from an institutional fellowship, it adjourned the M.Sc. assay of my amateur Kathleen Marshall, who afterwards became an ecology analyst at CSC Science and Engineering. For her project, Kathleen studied attenuate apple aspect (REE) sorption on hydrated ferromanganese oxides, with appropriate accent on the redox allure of cerium. This formed allotment of my broader investigations into the use of REEs as proxies for ferromanganese oxides, algal debris, and added carrier phases aural the vertical about-face of chapped amount in abyssal anoxic basins. The after-effects accept contributed to several peer-reviewed publications and added are planned as we abide to draw abstracts from her accomplished data. The authority of accepting the award, Kathleen’s graduation, and the affidavit absolutely helped me accretion tenure. While I accept not yet acceptable a New Admonition award, I will accumulate applying aback PRF charcoal amid the few agencies still alms grants for axiological science that are ample abundant to abutment both alum acceptance and their advisors.
Dr. Johan Schijf, University of Maryland Center for Ecology Science, Solomons, MD
The ACS-PRF admission was the aboriginal and capital berry admission in my bookish career, which I absolutely appreciated. The action authentic by the ACS-PRF has resulted in one apparent and 8 accessory assay accessories appear in acclaimed journals, such as Account of Abstracts Allure A, ACS Activated Abstracts & Interfaces, and Ecology Science & Technology. The abstracts generated from the action has been an important foundation to admonition the PI to dedicated several added above grants from Civic Science Foundation, the Virginia state, and several user proposals from civic laboratories. All these efforts eventually helped the PI to get tenured and answer to Accessory Abettor this year. In the meantime, the action has accomplished my aboriginal Ph.D. student, who has been acutely advantageous in research. Due to his accomplished bookish achievements, he was called as the champ for several awards, including the 2018 Outstanding Alum Assay Abettor Accolade from the VCU College of Engineering and the celebrated 2018 Chinese Government Accolade for Outstanding Self-Financed Acceptance Abroad, which is the accomplished accolade presented by the Chinese Scholarship Council to Chinese acceptance who abstraction away afterwards government support.
Dr. Wei-Ning Wang, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
As a new adroitness member, and accepted almsman of the program, the ACS Doctoral New Investigator Admission has fabricated a amazing appulse on my assay and my group. The PRF New Investigator Admission helped me in three ways: 1) to analyze new areas, 2) to aggrandize my group, and 3) acquaintance and aplomb building. The PRF affairs emphasizes new areas. So abounding added allotment programs crave connected histories alive in a authentic area, but the PRF accustomed me to aggrandize my portfolio and beforehand atypical competencies that I would not accept been able to allow otherwise. Critically, PRF accustomed me to appoint an added PhD student. This account is above the basal assay of new authentic findings. In the adolescence of my assay group, activity from 2 acceptance to 3 helped alpha a accumulation ability and provided the analytic peer-to-peer arrangement that helps amateur break problems, not aloof for the added student, but for all accumulation associates and projects. Lastly, accepting the PRF DNI has provided me with a adroitness of aplomb that I could auspiciously win grants as this wa
s my aboriginal admission as a PI. I would like to acknowledge the ACS PRF for this amazing opportunity.
Dr. Christopher Muhich, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
The ACS-PRF accolade I accustomed was my aboriginal allotment during my tenure-track abettor abettor time and enabled me to burrow into debris biogeochemistry and the circuitous apple of amoebic amount aboriginal diagenesis. The undertaken abstraction by my aboriginal amateur resulted in the assay of fluorophores anon accompanying to sulfate reduction, which was appear in Authentic Reports. Alike years afterwards this antecedent abstraction ended, we are still publishing in this field. The PRF admission absolutely enabled me to annex out into a altered acreage and absorbed my assimilation in bigger compassionate the hydrosulfurization of amoebic amount in sediments and to analyze the circuitous acknowledgment pathways. I am now a tenured accessory abettor and the PRF admission absolutely helped me to get tenured. I achievement this ability to abutment aboriginal career scientists will abide to accredit the abutting bearing of scientists to alter their research.
Dr. Michael Gonsior, University of Maryland Center for Ecology Science, Cambridge, MD
The Kavanagh Lab: A admission from the Petroleum Assay Armamentarium was one of the aboriginal alien grants that I accustomed as a new abettor at the University of California San Diego (1989). This helped admit a assay affairs focussed on interdiffusion at semiconductor interfaces, financially authentic my aboriginal alum students, and was analytic appear acceptable advancing abutment from accompaniment and federal agencies. At diminutive two publications accustomed the Petroleum Assay Fund: [1] Abstracts Assay Association Appointment Proceedings 240 (1992) 581-584, “Oxidation and circulation at poly-SiGe/GaAs interfaces”, and [2] Activated Physics Letters 60 (1992) 1235, “Oxidation induced AlAs/GaAs superlattice disordering”. Authors: J. C. P. Chang, F. Cardone, D. K. Sadana and K. L. Kavanagh. My lab confused in 2000 to Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada: http://www.sfu.ca/kavanaghlab.html – breadth I have connected to abstraction semiconductor interfaces of all varieties. Acknowledge you PRF!
Dr. Karen Kavanagh, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
The PRF DNI admission was the aboriginal admission I won during my tenure-track. And I can candidly say that its abutment was what accustomed me to barrage my career. Beneath the advocacy of the PRF, I conducted and appear my seminal studies, accelerating my aboriginal two PhD students, as able-bodied as authentic several undergraduate and aerial academy students. Particularly, one aerial academy amateur presented their assignment at the Intel Science Fair and accretion an atonement acknowledgment from NASA. I was afresh able to beforehand my studies to new action coatings, which beforehand to two account covers, and added allotment from added agencies. I afresh acquired administration at my University, and attending avant-garde to a abiding career administering research, and I’m so beholden to the PRF for ambience it all in motion. Photo: Jenkins assay accumulation at Civic ACS Affair Spring 2019
Dr. Ian Hosein, Syracuse University, NY
In 2015, the ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator Admission was the aboriginal absolute admission that I accustomed in my tenure-track position as an Abettor Abettor of Allure at Florida Accompaniment University. It was a awe-inspiring moment to accept my aboriginal admission and absolutely set a accent of aplomb for me in my approaching career. Not alone did this admission jump alpha a assay action based on new block copolymer attenuate blur assemblies, but it additionally assisted one of my aboriginal Ph.D. acceptance who is additionally affective to an educational position in college education. Aback that time I accept taken the opportunities supplied by this admission to accomplish an NSF CAREER Accolade and assorted recognitions aural my field. To pay my acknowledgment forward, I accept additionally accessory advised 7 grants for the ACS PRF and will acquiescently do so in years to come. In aboriginal 2020, I was clearly accepted administration at FSU. I appetite to acknowledge the ACS PRF for acknowledging adolescent adroitness and acceptance accustomed adroitness to jump-start new admonition in research. Commodity I achievement to booty advantage of in the future.
Dr. Justin G. Kennemur, Florida Accompaniment University, Tallahassee, FL
This ACS-PRF admission has accustomed us to complete the amalgam and testing of assorted metal nanoparticle catalysts able by diminutive band deposition. The allegation and adventures consistent from this allotment helped us beforehand advantageous projects that accept broadcast the ambit and acceptation of the antecedent action authentic by ACS-PRF. For example, a agitator for dry reforming of methane acknowledgment has been one of the focuses in our lab. Although we deviated a clutter bit from the aboriginal proposed research, the end after-effects were added important than the originals would accept anytime been. Eight peer-reviewed account affidavit were appear based on this project. Two PhD students, partially authentic by this grant, were graduated. Also, these efforts accept enabled the career development of the PI. We are actual beholden to the ACS-PRF for this support.
Dr. Xinhua Liang, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
I am beholden to the American Actinic Association – Petroleum Assay Armamentarium affairs for allotment my assay into all-embracing landslides in the Basin and Ambit province. This is a new band of assay for me consistent in accumulation of several new collaborations, both aural my administration and at added universities, accompaniment agencies, and in industry. The admission has adjourned two alum acceptance (Nick Ferry and Adam Jones). Nick has formed with Dylan Ward to beforehand a new bore for clay the change of rangefronts that acquaintance all-embracing landslides and he has completed a abundant assay of the Blue Diamond barrage abreast Las Vegas, NV. We accept additionally been cataloging all accepted all-embracing landslides in Nevada (with Rachel Micander, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology), evaluating the use of the passive-source Refraction Microtremor seismic adjustment to analyze all-embracing barrage deposits in the subsurface (with John Louie, University of Nevada, Reno and Aasha Pancha, Aurecon), and developing techniques for evaluating rangefronts in ArcGIS (with Chris Sheehan, University of Cincinnati). The assay will beforehand to new methods for anecdotic alive all-embracing barrage deposits which can and do act as hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Dr. Daniel Sturmer, University of Cincinnati, OH
After bristles years postdoctoral assay I became absolute with a adroitness position at a university. With all ahead acquired acquaintance I had abounding agitative account that I capital to put into convenance bound and to authorize my approaching assay directions. Ambience up a new lab and assay accumulation has consistently been fun but not an accessible task. Best of my startup armamentarium was spent to acquirement capital equipment. Aback the big-ticket analytic instruments were assuredly bureaucracy to run and auspiciously generated the aboriginal dataset, I begin myself fell into an awkward bearings that abounding inferior advisers would experience. It was like that a chef had got a adorned kitchen and recipes in hand, but annihilation larboard in the refrigerator to cook. The PRF-NDI armamentarium has been auspicious and a appropriate abutment to my bookish career and accustomed me to accompany the abutting level. PRF gets its acceptability in the acreage of geochemistry for its endless abutment to abounding adolescent scientists like me. I accept the PRF affairs will continuously comedy a key role in the association to beforehand and beforehand geochemical research.
Dr. Xiaolei Liu, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
In 2014 the ACS P
RF was the aboriginal admission I activated for and the aboriginal I was awarded, and in the time aback afresh I accept acquired a stronger acknowledgment for how admired it was for my aboriginal career. I acclimated the PRF admission in allotment to abutment a postdoc I had hired, who was alive in allowance my accumulation get off to a fast start. I had an accomplished researcher who could bound try out a agglomeration of action ideas, and who could accommodate the burden of the training for the first-year alum acceptance in my group, absolution me up to do (and amateur how to do) the added genitalia of my job as an Abettor Professor. To be honest the allure I proposed for that PRF admission absolutely flamed out and went nowhere, but I accepted the adaptability of the PRF affairs in acceptance me to use the money as I best saw fit, and alter action goals aback it became bright the aboriginal angle was a nonstarter.
Dr. Thomas S. Teets, University of Houston, TX
Back in 2005 at Tufts University, Prof. Christos Georgakis asked his PhD student, Fernando V. Lima, to admonition him autograph an ACS-PRF New Admonition admission on action operability of nonsquare systems. The admission advantaged “Interval Operability as a Architectonics Tool for Model Predictive Controllers” was awarded in 2006 and it was analytic for acknowledging Fernando’s PhD work. Time went by and Fernando became a abettor at West Virginia University in 2013. As new faculty, Prof. Lima absitively to abide his assay on action operability, now applying the operability abstraction to the absolutely new administration of action intensification. He afresh wrote the Doctoral New Investigator admission advantaged “Novel Operability-Based Access for the Able Architectonics and Accession of Action Systems” which was awarded in 2016. This admission enabled Prof. Lima to analyze new admonition on action operability which additionally helped him eventually in acceptable the NSF-CAREER Accolade in 2017 that included the operability affair activated to modularization. We would like to authentic our acknowledgment to the admission opportunities that ACS-PRF provides. The above ACS-PRF grants were analytic in both of our careers, abnormally for the development and abstraction of Fernando’s career, aboriginal as a PhD student, and afresh as a adolescent professor.
Dr. Fernando V. Lima, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV & Dr. Christos Georgakis, Tufts University, Medford, MA
My advancing PRF DNI admission came at a analytic time as I’m aggressively aggravating to abide to abound my assay affairs in my third year as a adroitness member. With this award, I was able to appoint a new alum amateur for a high-risk action involving new methods of clay agitator adherence with actual bound basic data. These after-effects accept opened the aperture for me to accompany new allotment to accomplish this a abiding (and alike added prominent) assay administration in my group. Opportunities such as the DNI accolade are analytic for giving inferior adroitness such as myself the aplomb and banking abutment they allegation to aggrandize their assay portfolio and set the date for accustomed assay careers.
Dr. Luke Roling, Iowa Accompaniment University, Ames, IA
The aboriginal accumulation of ACS PRF Grants accustomed in 1993 brought home one of the best cogent impacts in my beginning assay affairs with a Blazon G grant. This accolade was the aboriginal above ability for my absolute assay affairs as a cast new Abettor Professor, and charcoal an important anniversary on the aisle of assay in amoebic and biomedical allure that has beckoned me through the consecutive 28 years of an bookish career. These funds, while about bashful in magnitude, accustomed me to appoint the aboriginal of abounding undergraduate amateur advisers in my lab, and we accomplished abstracts that led to beforehand and enabled us to authorize new collaborations that assorted the all-embracing appulse of this pilot admission many-fold. I will consistently acknowledge the ACS Petroleum Assay Armamentarium Advisory Board for demography a adventitious on a newbie!
Dr. Jeffrey B. Arterburn, New Mexico Accompaniment University, Las Cruces, NM
Our PRF DNI admission has enabled us to analyze the dynamics of baptize abreast surfactant interfaces, a new assay breadth in our group. Importantly, the PRF admission has enabled us to focus on surfactant mixtures accordant to automated and ecology applications. We abstraction surfactants that are acclimated in oil discharge cleanup operations. Typical automated formulations accommodate bags of compounds because surfactants are frequently actinic from blubbery acerbic mixtures acquired from accustomed oils, admitting surfactants frequently advised in the lab abide of a single, authentic compound. We accept begin that adverse decidedly alters the backdrop of the interface, by affecting how surfactants are packed. This alters the interfacial baptize dynamics, as apparent in the cartoon. In a single-surfactant interface, the molecules are added ordered and added carefully arranged together, like a solid, admitting in amalgamate compositions, molecules are added disordered. Developing surfactant formulations is currently a cher and empiric endeavor, we apprehend that these after-effects will serve as a starting point for compassionate the backdrop of alloyed surfactants, and added importantly, serve as a belvedere for developing formulations with tailored properties.
Dr. Carlos Baiz, University of Texas at Austin
The ACS PRF# 58560-DNI5 admission provided the befalling to abide PI’s assay on balloon nucleation. The assay allegation were accessible to abide assorted proposals for automated and government funding. The PI additionally had the befalling to bear two allure talks based on the assay findings. His assay aggregation has appear a peer-reviewed account commodity and a peer-reviewed appointment paper. The aggregation has presented at three national/international conferences. The PI, three alum researchers, and two undergraduate advisers accept been partially authentic by this grant. The alum and undergraduate acceptance were accomplished on assorted advanced apparent science concepts such as wettability about-face & quantification, altitude of apparent roughness, and pressure-, vacuum-, and temperature-driven balloon nucleation. The PI’s assay accumulation alternate in the Civic Lab Day and GrandParent University contest at Oklahoma Accompaniment University. The wettability about-face procedures developed as a allotment of this assay were advantageous to adapt teaching aids to authenticate apparent tension, wettability & capillary burden concepts, and their circadian action and automated applications. Therefore, the PI is acutely beholden for the abutment from the ACS PRF admission to authorize a awful arresting assay affairs on balloon nucleation, and to alternation and assignment with accomplished alum and undergraduate researchers.
Dr. Prem Bikkina, Oklahoma Accompaniment University, Stillwater, OK
The Hayes Accumulation at the University of Rhode Island catholic to the Avant-garde Photon Source at Argonne Civic Class this accomplished year to investigate the accoutrement of copper-catalyzed photocycloaddition reactions appliance ultrafast X-ray brief assimilation spectroscopy. By agitative a band-aid of chestnut triflate and norbornene with a femtosecond ultraviolet laser beating and acid it afterwards with a synchronized X-ray beating acquainted to the chestnut K-edge, we were able to beam the antecedent photoinduced allegation alteration accident that triggers the olefin dimerization reaction. Our ACS PRF admission accustomed us to biking to this world-class ability to accomplish these ele
ment-specific measurements, which in about-face accustomed us to bigger accept the ultrafast optical abstracts we took in our lab in Rhode Island. We achievement to use this adeptness to aggrandize to ambit of metal-catalyzed photochemical acknowledgment of olefins and added petroleum-derived molecules and thereby accouter the ability of ablaze to drive contrarily absurd transformations. Photo (Above): Gethmini Jayasekara, Melissa Smith, and Cali Antolini at the beamline at the Avant-garde Photon Source. Photo (Below): A aqueous jet of chestnut triflate and norbornene in tetrahydrofuran is aflame by a femtosecond ultraviolet laser beating in a adamantine X-ray fluorescence altitude apparatus.
Dr. Dugan Hayes, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
The American Actinic Society’s Petroleum Assay Armamentarium admission (PRF# 60342-DNI9) has accustomed our lab to conduct advanced abstracts and diminutive simulations on atypical abysmal eutectic solvents (DES). The adeptness aggregate during this action has accustomed us to dedicated added allotment from Civic Science Foundation. This action is additionally acceptance us to alternation two alum and two undergraduate researchers. The acceptance accept already submitted and/or appear several accessory advised accessories in accounted journals and present at the civic affair of American Actinic Association and American Institute of Actinic Engineers. Due to the celebrated attributes of this award, our University appear an commodity about our research, which not alone gives us afterimage in the University but additionally accommodate us acknowledgements in the authentic community. We are now accommodating with added civic and all-embracing Universities on DES. Career-wise this allotment has accustomed me to aggrandize my breadth of adeptness and to both accommodate atypical bread-and-butter assay into petroleum processing as able-bodied as accommodate petroleum allure fundamentals in my added areas of research. I accept now been frequently requested to assay accessories and proposals on separations. I accept ACS PRF admission could be the step-stone for my able career.
Dr. M. Toufiqur Reza, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL
With the ACS PRF accolade I was able to analyze a absolutely new administration for my group, both in agreement of authentic access and authentic problem! We abstruse how to use authentic birthmark calculations to accept circulation in abstracts from aboriginal principles. While the simulation assignment is advancing the admission already was acutely benign for my amazing student, Alina Kononov, who says: “The action adjourned by the PRF admission broadcast my adeptness in cyberbanking anatomy calculations above the attenuated focus of my apriorism and able me for a broader ambit of approaching projects aural this assay field. The allotment additionally enabled appointment participation, breadth I accustomed accessible acknowledgment on my assignment and abstruse about exciting, cutting-edge developments in abstracts research. The admission not alone authentic accurate discoveries, but additionally contributed to the development of authentic talent!” She is now about to avert her PhD apriorism and afresh will move on to an agitative postdoc position. For this abutting footfall I ambition her all the best and am attractive avant-garde to seeing her beforehand in her able and accustomed career!
Dr. Andre Schleife, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Petroleum Assay Armamentarium provided the aboriginal sum of money competitively acquired in my career, which was a acute supplement to the bashful startup admission I was able to accept at a bottom accepted accompaniment university on the outskirts of the bookish map. The alum assay abettor this enabled, in accession to the half-dozen undergraduate researchers, was afresh the alive force for architectonics and advancement a abiding breeze of discovery, which ultimately culminated in the accustomed allotment of a above assay action from the Administration of Energy. It is adamantine to enlarge the appulse this will accept on our approaching aisle as a group, as able-bodied as the approaching for abstracts allure assay in Montana. We are actual beholden to the American Actinic Association and decidedly the donors of the PRF for their charge to early-career advisers in the axiological actinic sciences.
Dr. Nicholas P. Stadie, Montana Accompaniment University, Bozeman, MT
Developing and allotment a beginning assay affairs as a new abettor abettor can be a alarming task. In my case the ACS-PRF was an basic allotment of the acquirements acquaintance circuitous in accepting established. My aboriginal absolute angle was submitted to PRF, which became to my aboriginal rejection. The acknowledgment I accustomed both from the reviewers and the affairs administrator led to my aboriginal adjourned angle the afterward year. That PRF-funded action accustomed us to accompany the account that laid the background for our aboriginal federal grant. I apperceive that my acquaintance is not unique, and am beholden for the basic role that the ACS-PRF plays in the training and abutment of new investigators.
Dr. Nathan D. Schley, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
The ACS PRF DNI admission I accustomed in 2012 accomplished my group’s assignment with bottlebrush polymers. Bottlebrush polymers are actual awful angled polymers, and at the time there were abounding questions accompanying to their diminutive structure, their backdrop in solution, and their self-assembly. My accumulation aboriginal focused on belief the anatomy and admeasurement of bottlebrush polymers in band-aid through small-angle neutron drop measurements. We additionally advised stimuli-responsive bottlebrush polymers, and begin they could for a lyotropic aqueous clear appearance in solution. The ACS PRF admission authentic two acceptance in my group, Stacy Pesek and Xianyu Li, both of which accept aback accelerating with PhDs in actinic engineering and confused on to automated assay positions. They are apparent in the photo attached, which was taken about the time I accustomed the ACS PRF DNI grant. Assignment in my accumulation on bottlebrush has connected to this day, breadth we are belief how bottlebrush polymers choose to surfaces and interfaces due to their atypical brush-like architecture. This assignment would not accept been accessible afterwards the antecedent abutment of the ACS PRF.
Dr. Rafael Verduzco, Rice University, Houston, TX
The Doctoral New Investigator Accolade from the ACS Petroleum Assay Armamentarium has accustomed me to abutment the PhD studies of Abigail Rendos. Through this funding, she is able to abstraction acute fluids such as ferrofluids or magnetorheological fluids that display alluring aggregate backdrop aloft the appliance of a alien alluring or electric field. Her assay focuses on compassionate how the altered backdrop of acute fluids appear from the chapped constituents, optimizing these circuitous fluids for bigger performance, and exploring their applications. This accolade has been capital to her success in alum academy and provided her with the assets to analyze a assay affair about which she is passionate. It has additionally resulted in bristles and counting publications and two advantageous collaborations, one to accommodate atypical abstracts to banish in the acute fluids, and accession to apprehend the use of these fluids in bendable robotics. Abby letters that this assay affair never ceases to accumulate her affianced and acquirements and that she is beholden for the abutment the Petroleum Assay Armamentarium has provided.
Dr. Keith A. Brown, Boston University, MA
The banking abutment from this admission has had an awfully absolute appulse on both the primary investigator, and the alum amateur who was supported. The student’s beforehand appear commutual their argument was accelerated because they did not allegation to act as a teaching abettor for these accomplished two years, acceptance them to focus absolut
ely on their thesis, ultimately convalescent their appliance opportunities and facilitating abiding career plans. The amateur acquired adeptness in hydrate science and an compassionate of the problems surrounding hydrate accumulation in the action industry. In that way this action has opened career paths for the amateur in the action industry that had not been ahead imagined. The appulse on the PI’s career cannot be understated. This was the academy admission for the PI, which has been followed by allotment from the Civic Science Foundation, and the Defense Avant-garde Assay Projects Agency. This action has additionally encouraged the PI to become an alive actor in the advancing efforts of assorted added groups aural the PI’s administration to investigate hydrates for both action accumulator and breeze affirmation reasons. In short, this ACS-PRF admission has created an befalling for the PI to accept a abiding appulse in the action sciences.
Dr. Joseph Samaniuk, Colorado Academy of Mines, Golden, CO
I am acutely beholden for the abutment of the Petroleum Assay Armamentarium (PRF)! I was actual advantageous to accept the PRF DNI abutment in my aboriginal year as an abettor professor. The admission authentic my actual aboriginal PhD amateur who is now a adroitness affiliate in the US. It additionally accustomed me to analyze avant-garde ability action appliance petroleum byproducts to accomplish graphene in a low amount manner. After-effects and acceptance of PRF added authentic me for accepting added awards (such as NSF CAREER, AFOSR and ONR YIPs, NASA ECF) and grants throughout the years. I am afresh absolutely beholden for the abutment from the PRF, and additionally acknowledge the affectionate admonition and advice from Dr. Burt Lee.
Dr. Sungwoo Nam, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
It was my aboriginal accustomed admission appliance in my absolute career, aback I accustomed the PRF-DNI accolade in 2017. In the average of an all-embracing conference, I apprehend the email from Dr. Fahr, and I acquainted like a aperture was assuredly opening! Doubtlessly, this accolade had abstruse impacts on my career development, as able-bodied as on the development of inferior advisers in my group. It not alone accustomed me to beforehand my assay affairs in multiscale modeling, but additionally to access a new assay breadth of nanomaterials design. Furthermore, with the acceptable abutment from PRF to my ability and to assay equipment, I acquired admired acquaintance of how to assignment as a PI. The allegation from this action were appear and afterwards served as basic after-effects for my added admission applications (including the one for my NSF CAREER award). Acknowledgment to PRF’s accent on amateur support, I was able to assignment with four accomplished students/scholars, two of whom are now at adroitness or agnate positions. To me and abounding others, PRF is absolutely an invaluable affairs in developing the abutting bearing of actinic engineers and scientists.
Dr. Jianing Li, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
The Doctoral New Investigator admission has enabled my assay accumulation to accomplish a axiological assay on a high-risk breadth in my filed of expertise, colloid and polymer science. Afore acceptable a adroitness member, I mainly formed on emulsions and their polymerization. With ACS PRF grant, my assay accumulation could aggrandize our adeptness in nanoemulsions and nanoporous polymers. The claiming we took was to accomplish concentrated nanoemulsions, abstraction their structure, and use them as arrangement for polymer synthesis. The outcomes accept been advantageous in agreement of assay and education. The undergraduate acceptance and postdoctoral advisers had the befalling to accomplish the assay and present their after-effects in authentic communities. The undergraduate acceptance connected their abstraction in the alum akin and the postdoctoral advisers had the befalling to accretion mentorship skills. We accept additionally one cardboard appear and two added manuscripts in final revisions afore submission. Additionally, abundant basic abstracts is generated during the ACS PRF action for development of a aftereffect admission to federal agencies.
Dr. Reza Foudazi, New Mexico Accompaniment University, Las Cruces, NM
My aboriginal admission as a abettor was a PRF Starter-G admission in 1991 to abstraction “Traveling Fronts of Polymerization”. This started thirty years of studying, what we now call, aboveboard polymerization in which a localized acknowledgment propagates from the coupling of thermal carriage with the Arrhenius assurance of an exothermic polymerization. We aboriginal advised the nonlinear behavior of breeding fronts, including fronts that as helices and afresh we “cure-on demand” abstracts that accept connected pot lives but can acknowledge rapidly as fronts. That aboriginal admission has now led to bartering articles for art and home repair.
Figure 1. (Left) A polymerization advanced breeding through a admixture of acrylates and asleep fillers.
Figure 2 (Right). Fronts can bear in circling patterns as apparent in this 5 cm bore sample.
Dr. John A. Pojman, Louisiana Accompaniment University, Baton Rouge, LA
The PRF admission has enabled the PI (Shengfeng Cheng) to adventure into the acreage of ionic polymers and analyze several assay accommodation including the dehydration action of polymer solutions that will ascertain the assay portfolio of the PI’s accumulation in the advancing years. The assay adjourned by the admission has resulted in 7 peer-reviewed affidavit and a few added are in preparation. The admission was acclimated to abutment two alum acceptance who acquired their PhD degrees in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The admission authentic two undergraduate students. One is Hispanic and currently a alum amateur in a top-tier physics affairs and the added is a changeable amateur who will alum with a BS aggregate in 2021. Appliance after-effects from the assay adjourned by the berry admission from PRF as basic data, the PI developed a accustomed CAREER angle to NSF that was awarded in 2020. The PRF admission has played a cogent role in advocacy the adequacy and accommodation of the PI’s accumulation to analyze the nonequilibrium physics in the dehydration processes of bendable amount solutions.
Dr. Shengfeng Cheng, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Accompaniment University, Blacksburg, VA
Funding from an ACS PRF DNI accolade provided key abutment for the authentic training of abundant acceptance in my lab, both anon through allowance abutment and alongside through accumulation funds. At the alum level, the admission anon authentic the aboriginal Ph.D. amateur in my lab, who went on to booty a postdoctoral position, and partially authentic the assignment of a added Ph.D. student. In addition, six undergraduates contributed to the project, with four autograph chief ceremoniousness theses on their assignment and one commutual a masters thesis. Two of these acceptance connected on to top-tier allure Ph.D. programs breadth they accept been awarded alum fellowships, and a third is planning to do so afterwards commutual a masters aggregate in my lab. Notably, one of these undergraduates was the beforehand columnist on both a angle commodity and a assay article. Allotment from the admission additionally authentic a allowance for a aerial academy summer assay apprentice. Overall, the PRF accolade has enabled my acceptance and I to aggregate abstracts for the advertisement of manuscripts and basic after-effects for the acquiescence of grants that were important to starting my absolute career, and has authentic our biking to present these after-effects to the authentic community.
Dr. Michelle L. Personick, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
The ACS-PRF grants accept accustomed us to analyze new nanomaterials as catalysts in the agitative breadth of converting ablaze alkanes to alkenes. The grants additionally provides abutment to several alum amateur and undergraduat
e advisers in our assay group. A cardinal of aerial academy acceptance additionally formed on the projects and abstruse about petroleum allure and new materials. Of course, this accolade is one of the capital affidavit for me to get tenured. Best wishes to PRF 65th Anniversary. I achievement this accolade will accept a long-last accompany approaching and admonition added inferior advisers to bang alpha their assay career!
Dr. Yu Lei, University of Alabama in Huntsville
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Expense Report FormReport bills for workers at your organization. Free Police Incident Report TemplateThe Police Incident Report Form permits citizens to report a non-urgent incident or matter providing the information of date, time, location and any additional particulars of the difficulty. Ah, social media; one of many “newer” digital advertising realms, and yet, also one of the essential. The number of social media customers worldwide is over three billion, so it’s a safe assumption to say that there are a myriad audiences to succeed in right here. Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, Google My Business,WebCEO… the instruments you’re using to execute, monitor, and optimize your search engine optimization methods can be pretty various.
Choose this template with an efficient format in order to publish an in-depth evaluation with many monetary particulars, and sensible charts. Enjoy full access to the one container security offering built-in right into a vulnerability management platform. Monitor container photographs for vulnerabilities, malware and policy violations.
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Project Completion Form Template No extra in search of that file that wasn’t connected as promised. Easily gather and arrange project files with a kind. Responsive Maintenance Request FormReceive upkeep requests online with a free Maintenance Request Form. Issue Tracking FormCollect issue reviews from company members with a free on-line Issue Tracking Form.
Creative and colourful components create this vibrant template that’s sensible and captivating. Enjoy full access to a modern, cloud-based vulnerability administration platform that lets you see and observe all your property with unmatched accuracy. A template for a disciplinary or grievance investigation report. Send Acas templates for a disciplinary or grievance investigation plan and a disciplinary or grievance investigation report. Drawing on intensive consultations within the LP and GP communities and with technical consultants, on January 29, 2016, the ILPA released the ILPA Reporting Template for fees, expenses, and carried curiosity. Attachment C, Market Research Report Template, of the DHS Market Research Guide offers a sample market research report template that can be tailor-made to particular market research wants.
Regardless of the precise type of report that you’re trying to make, one of our compelling report templates is totally the easiest way to get began. Choose the template that meets your needs and customize it in any method that you want – you actually won’t believe how easy it’s. You’ll even have a full library full of countless free inventory images to choose from, too. Play it secure with this easy yet practical and versatile enterprise proposal structure. Easy to customise and appealing, will most likely be perfect for all your skilled tasks. If you’re in search of one thing innovative and attention-grabbing, this template is the proper choice.